You’re looking for an agency with a pragmatic approach to technology, ensuring all design and tech choices provide the best return for your business in the short and long term.
Choosing the Right Agency Partner
The first and most important choice is selecting the right web agency to advise you.
You want an agency that is both design and tech nerds, AND has good business acumen. Here’s the difference:
An agency focused only on design and technology might recommend the latest and greatest, potentially making you an expensive guinea pig. The newest and coolest might not be right for your target audience, and early adoption can be costly.
Avoid agencies that only focus on business and still use outdated platforms like WordPress because that’s what their developers know. If you only meet consultants in freshly pressed shirts and blazers, that’s a red flag ;)
The agency should be up-to-date with technology and design trends at a reasonable pace.
You’re looking for an agency with a pragmatic approach to technology, ensuring all design and tech choices provide the best return for your business in the short and long term.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, is good personal chemistry. Ultimately, we’re people working together, and the best results come when values and chemistry align well!
We usually start with a free and non-binding meeting where we delve into your business and provide initial indications of the right direction.
If the chemistry is right, we proceed with a half-day workshop where we explore your business, needs, and opportunities as a foundation for making smart decisions going forward.