Sanity introduces contextual website editing with "Presentation"

As much as we have always loved Sanity, we have missed a user-friendly way to easily edit any content on a website without switching context between the website and the content admin panel (Sanity Studio). With Sanity Presentation, the Sanity Studio splits into a preview of the website next to a narrower column with structured content editing. You can now click on any content in the preview, and the correct field pops up on the side for you to edit that content. Additionally, you now see information about where a piece of content is used, so your editors understand that if they change it here, it will also change in these other contexts.
With the introduction of Sanity Presentation, Sanity caught up with Storyblok CMS in the one area where we felt their editorial experience was lagging behind. We're confident that this new feature, alongside all the other innovations around the corner from Sanity, will keep them in the lead as the markets's best rated headless CMS.
See how it works: